Importance Of Removing Lead From Your Water
[row ] [col span=”1/2″ ]Lead in drinking water can cause a variety of adverse health effects. In babies and children, exposure to lead in drinking water above certain levels can result in delays in physical and mental development, along with slight deficits in attention span and learning abilities.
[/col] [col span=”1/2″ ]And, it is not just a concern for kids. In adults, lead can cause increases in blood pressure. Adults who drink water with higher amounts of lead over years could develop kidney problems or high blood pressure. So, you need to Get The Lead Out.
[/col] [/row]XO Water’s purification treats lead. Our competition’s does not.
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If you’re buying a vacuum or some other appliance, and you want to cut corners, we get that. But, drinking water has a higher standard. Water is something that you put into your body and it’s critical that it be pure. Our purification protects you against lead consumption.
This is another reason why you should only trust your water to the bottleLess cooler experts at XO Water.
You see – lead is odorless, tasteless and colorless. So, you don’t know you have it in your water unless you test for it. So, it’s better to be safe.
[/col] [col span=”1/3″ animate=”fadeInDown”] [/col] [/row]Where Does Lead Come From?
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Lead is rarely found in source water, but enters tap water through corrosion of plumbing. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures and solder. The most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures which can leach significant amounts of lead into the water, especially hot water.
Now, we are doing something about the lead problem. Starting with the Save Drinking Water Act in 1991, the EPA started new regulations that are supposed to limit the amount of lead in drinking water. But, we’d need to change every pipe and faucet over to something that is lead-free. In the mean time, it’s better to just purify the water – and be sure that the system removes lead.
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